Thursday, April 12, 2012

Video Games are Lame

Exercise is the trick, but some kids stay inside and play videogames when it's sunny as gold outside.  Some people use rain as an exuse to stay inside and play video games, but you can still exercise, do some push-ups. Of coorse video games aren't bad for you. Though violent video games can make someone aggressive or make someone could get scared that something in real life could happen. I noticed this became a problem because i used to only play one sport and everytime I was home i'd just watch T.V. and not go outside. I also had a Jungle Gym. But now I always go outside and the basketball hoop helps. I know play soccer,basketball,softball and swim team. I planto create a sports camp for 1st and 2nd graders who go to Eli Pinney Elementary. I'd also like to send some sports supplies who don't haave them. Remember to STAY AND PLAY OUTSIDE everyday at least for 30 minutes. 

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